In a world so advanced and filled with technology, companies try to make their best products giving you the opportunity to get the best results. The Digital Cameras or DSLR world is not behind in technology. Today we have resources that years ago people did not even though could exist from latest technology lens to high performance flashes. Most of the things we see today in photography didn’t existed ten years ago. I am one hundred percent sure that if you were to tell a photographer from the 90’s that you can storage more than a thousand pictures in a two grams SD card thy would take you as a joke.
© Rolando Photography 2013

            Of course I have to say that having a Canon EOS 1Ds x Mark III or a Nikon D3X really helps. But because you have the latest technology does not mean you are always going to get the best results or photos. Photographer Chase Jarvis once said: “The best camera is the one you have with you,” this quote couldn’t explain this better I have seen photographers using super expensive equipment but when I see their photos the results aren't as good as I expected. The goal is to know your camera, once you know your camera and you have full control of everything you will always get spectacular results.
            A couple years ago when I was starting photography one of my hardest decision was choosing my first DSLR camera. Today many beginners pas trough the same thing especially nowadays that there are too many cameras to choose from. Here are some tips that I want to share with you if you are deciding on getting your first DSLR. First review your budget, how much money do you count with or how much money are you willing to expend on a camera. A decent DSLR camera worth around a thousand dullards. Now I am talking about decent DSLRs like the Nikon 3200, Nikon 5200, Canon T3i, and Canon 4i. These cameras are really good for beginners. They are really worded their prices. Second go to a camera store and play with them this might sounds silly but  it really helps you might not like the way a camera feels on your hands, you might think it is too heavy or too light o or maybe you just don’t like the way it is designed. Once you have decides on a camera that you like don’t go crazy and buy it where you think it is cheaper. Go online and research on it you might found things that you don’t like in online reviews, watch hands on reviews on YouTube. This step is the most important when choosing a camera because you get a lot of feedbacks and advice from photographers who use the camera that you like.
            When buying you can find a lot of great deals online but don’t think that you are always getting the best deal on line. Sometime local stores can give you great offers without having to pay the overpriced shipping fees that online stores have. If you are purchasing a camera (body only) the price won’t be too high, but when you add the lens, memory cards and etc. the price can get really expensive. This is why I would recommend camera bundles. Companies trying to sell more create camera kits giving you more for less price. You have to take advantage of that finding the best that matches you.
             If you have any questions feel free to ask them on the comments section. I will try to answer them.

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